Social Prescribing




What is Social Prescribing?

It is a free service linking patients to extra services and support within your local community and Bristol. 


How Does It Work?

You can access up to six 1-1 sessions based at your GP practice. Together we can:

  1. Explore what is important for your health and wellbeing.
  2. Identify the local activities and services you can benefit from.
  3. Gain support and encouragement to start using services that can help you.

social prescribing


How Can It Help?

We can link you with many services and community support groups.

These may include: 

  • Arts, gardening and creative activities
  • Physical activities and healthy eating
  • Housing, benefits and financial support and advice
  • Employment, training and volunteering
  • Education and learning
  • Befriending, counselling and specialist support