Information for Carers




You may be a carer if you provide help and support to a relative or friend who could not manage without your help due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction. 

Carers can support with a variety of different tasks such as: housework, personal care, paying bills, administering medication, managing appointments and providing emotional support. 

If you are a carer, it is important to look after your own health as well as the person you care for. The surgery wants to help you stay as healthy and as informed as possible. If you’re a carer, please let us know.


Carers Assessments

Anyone who is a carer is entitled to a carers assessment. It’s a chance to discuss the help and support available.

To arrange a carers assessment you can contact the Carers Support Centre or Care Direct (Bristol City Council).


Carers Emergency Card

Carers Emergency Card is a free service for carers. The card states the carers name, unique identification number and an emergency telephone number. If a carer has an accident or is taken seriously ill, the card can be used to alert a 24 hour Emergency Call Centre that the person you care for needs help. 

Carers Emergency Cards are issued by Bristol City Council, you can apply via an online application form.


Support in Hospital

Carers Support Centre has Carer Liaison Workers based in the local hospitals. They provide help, support, and advice to carers from the point of admission to discharge as a carer and/or as a patient.

Carer Liaison Workers can help you with:

  • Explaining hospital processes.
  • Communicating your needs or concerns to ward staff.
  • Attending meetings with you, such as discharge meetings, and acting as an advocate.
  • Talking to you about benefits, carer’s assessment and connecting you to other services.

Southmead Hospital Carer Liaison Workers

Phone number: 0773 1623 636

Bristol Royal Infirmary Carer Liaison Workers

Phone number: 0117 4350 188 or 0773 1622 698

Please see the North Bristol NHS website for further information.


Useful contact details and resources

The Carers’ Support Centre:

The Carers Support Centre provides support, information and advice to carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

Carers Line: 0117 965 2200

Visit the Carers' Support Centre website

Bristol City Council Health and Social Care - Carer Direct:

Care Direct provides information and advice, as well as delivering care and support services.

Care Direct: 0117 922 2700

Visit the Care Direct website

Well Aware:

Well aware provides information on health, wellbeing and community resources.

Call: 0808 808 5252

Visit the Well Aware website

NHS Website

The NHS have creased a support and benefits guide for carers.

Visit the NHS website