Access Records Online




It is possible to access your medical record online, book appointments and request prescriptions using the NHS app.

More about the NHS App


Enhanced medical record view

If you wish to access an enhanced view of your personal medical records, then this is possible using the platform above. However, the practice has a procedure to activate this service and a doctor will need to review your medical records before this is made available to you. To access this enhanced view, you will need to visit the Surgery and complete an Application for Access to Health Records form. Our Care Navigators will need to see TWO forms of identification before they can accept the form. We need to see photo ID and proof of address.

Once your application has been taken in by our Care Navigators, it will be passed to the doctor for review and you will be informed when the enhanced access is available (please allow up to 28 days for this to be processed). By default, this information to your medical record is not activated until you request access to it, so it is not necessary to opt-out if you are not interested.


Shared summary records (outside the practice)

We are now uploading electronic summary care records for all of our patients who have not opted out of this scheme. This is an initiative introduced by NHS England to produce an electronic record called the Summary Care Record (SCR), which will be used to support your emergency care.  A Summary Care Record will contain information about the medicines you take, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines you have had. Having this information stored in one place makes it easier for healthcare staff to treat you in an emergency, or when the Practice is closed or when you are away from home in another part of England.

More information on summary care records 



How sharing information in your medical records can help the NHS to provide better care.

Sharing some of your personal information, such as your date of birth, postcode, gender or NHS Number (but not your name), could help the NHS to provide better services. The new system is being delivered by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) and NHS England on behalf of the NHS.

It is important that the NHS can use this information to get a complete picture of what is happening across health and social care and to plan services according to what works best. The new system will provide joined-up information about the care received from all of the different parts of the health service, including hospitals and GP practices. For more information visit the NHS Website.

You have a choice to opt out

Opt out of any data sharing of medical records